Please note, this OEL/ADE monograph also applies to sodium ascorbate (CAS RN 134-03-2). Ascorbic acid is indicated for the treatment of ascorbic acid deficiency. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a water-soluble vitamin and an antiscorbutic product that is essential for collagen formulation and tissue repair. It plays a significant role in the metabolism of tyrosine, carbohydrates, iron, folic acid conversion to folinic acid, synthesis of lipids and proteins, resistance to infections and cellular respiration. It supports the immune system of the body through its antioxidant property that helps neutralize harmful free radicals in cells.
Affygility Solutions has an occupational exposure limit (OEL) and control band assignment for this active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). This monograph also contains the acceptable daily exposure (ADE) value.
OEL Fastrac monographs are a cost-effective and convenient way to meet the requirements for PDEs (ADEs) contained in the EMA Guideline on setting health based exposure limits for use in risk identification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared facilities (EMA/CHMP/CVMP/SWP/169430/2012), as well as PIC/S and ANVISA requirements, and to obtain the following information:
To order an OEL/ADE monograph for Ascorbic acid, just click the ADD TO CART button.
If you're wondering about HBEL, we have something for you.
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Affygility Solutions’ OEL Fastrac service is an user-friendly system that enables us to make confident decisions and focus on moving the compound safely through our facility. We can quickly access the database to determine if a new drug is within the OEL Fastrac library, and if so, immediately download a detailed OEL banding report. The OEL Fastrac system has been a helpful tool in our overall EH&S program.