Afflgility Solutions
PDE database

Permitted daily exposure limits at your fingertips

Affygility Solutions is India’s leading provder of occupational exposure limits (OEL) and permitted daily exposure (PDE) values for active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Have a requirement for a large number of OEL/PDE monographs? Please enter your business email and Affygility Solutions’ regional representative will contact you to discuss how we can assist you in getting the most value from your purchase of OEL/PDE monographs.

PDE database

Save money and time with instant downloads that are available 24/7

At Affygility Solutions, we understand that regulatory and development timelines are tight. With over 1500 molecules in our online catalog, you can obtain OEL/PDE information you need in a matter of minutes.

PDE database

Comply with EMA regulatory requirements

With periodic updates that are provided at no additional cost and a complete scientific reference list, you can be assured that you have the information you need to comply with EMA and PIC/s health-based exposure limit requirements.

In addition, upon request Affygility Solutions can provide a technical agreement service package.

PDE database

Achieve cost-effective risk- management

All OEL Fastrac monographs are prepared by expert, certified toxicologists so you can be confident that you are getting numbers that you can trust in order to implement risk- management controls.

PDE database

Demonstrate compliance to auditors and regulatory agencies

With free online/offline technical support, you can easily respond to auditors and regulatory agencies with your technical questions regarding ADEs or PDEs.

Affygility Solutions' OEL/PDE have been widely accepted by regulatory authorities inspecting Indian pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities.

PDE database

Get started today by contacting the toxicology experts at Affygility Solutions